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Tutorial + Video Dark Avenger Hack Gold, Xp, HP, MP, Weapon and Armor

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Tutorial + Video Dark Avenger Gold, Xp, HP, MP, Weapon, Armor and Skill


Follow directions and in about an hour you will have max Gold, 999,999 Potions {HP & MP}, 999,999 Forge Stones {Green, Red & Orange}

Potion Hack [Permanent]
  1. Play and Level and earn enough gold to buy 5 HP & 5 MP Potions.
  2. Start any level and the open DaxAttack & search "5"
  3. Use one HP & one MP Potion, Search "4"
  4. Use another HP & MP potion, Search "3" {You may have your two strings, if not do another search}
  5. If you needed to do another search, you should have your two strings now. Change them both to "999,999" and use one more HP & MP potion, they will now Change to "999,999"
{This is permanent and they will not disappear when you use them, change screens or exit and re enter the game.}

Green Forge Stones + Gold [Permanent]
This you will have to do twice, hack once to sell, hack twice to keep.
  1. Play any level to earn about 1500 Gold enough to buy 5 Green Forge Stones. !!DON'T BUY ALL AT ONCE!!
  2. Buy one Forge Stone, Search "1"
  3. Buy another Search "2"
  4. Buy another, Search "3"
  5. By now you should have the string you need, if not Repeat steps above.
  6. If you don't have just one or two strings, you may have like 5 or 7, change them one by one, to a slightly higher number, like 30, once you find the right string Change & Lock it to "99,999,999" or a high value like such.
  7. Now for the gold part, Go sell them all, you will get over 700Million. Now unlock the string or the game will crash. Try not to get more than "999,999,999" gold when you sell or it may go into the negative amount.
  8. Now you have more Gold than you will ever use.
  9. If you want more Green Forge Stones, you can either Buy them or Re-hack them.

Red Forge Stones [Permanent]
Once you have Hacked the Green ones, you can highlight them in your Inventory and tap "Merge" you now have the option to Merge some Green Forge Stones to make 1 Red Stone.
  1. !!!MERGE ONE AT A TIME!!!
  2. Merge Green Forge Stones & Make 1 Red, Search "1"
  3. Merge another Green Forge Stone Search "2"
  4. Merge again, Search "3"
  5. By now you should have the string you need, if not Repeat steps above.
  6. If you don't have just one or two strings, you may have like 5 or 7, change them one by one, to a slightly higher number, like 30, once you find the right string change it to "999,999" you wont need more than that.
  7. Enjoy your Forge Stones and max out your weapons.
Orange Forge Stones [Permanent]
Highlight you Red Forge Stones in your Inventory and tap "Merge" you now have the option to Merge some Red Forge Stones to make 1 Orange Stone.
  1. Merge Red Forge Stones & Make 1 Orange, Search "1"
  2. Merge another Red Forge Stone Search "2"
  3. Merge again, Search "3"
  4. By now you should have the string you need, if not Repeat steps above.
  5. If you don't have just one or two strings, you may have like 5 or 7, change them one by one, to a slightly higher number, like 30, once you find the right string change it to "999,999" you wont need more than that.
  6. Enjoy your Forge Stones and max out your weapons.

EXP Hack [Permanent]
  1. Once you did the money hack, go under Misc and buy the "Treasure Hunters Necklace" It's Level 5 Rquired, so make sure your Level 5.And buy any other cheap necklace.
  2. It gives you 120 Bonus EXP. Equip it and search "120"
  3. Equip the other necklace and search "0"
  4. Re-Equip the Treasure Hunters Necklace & search "120"
  5. Equip the other necklace and search "0"
  6. Re-Equip the Treasure Hunters Necklace & search "120"
  7. Equip the other necklace and search "0"
  8. Re-Equip the Treasure Hunters Necklace & search "120"
  9. By now you should only have one or a few strings left & one of them is the one you want. If you only have one, great, change and lock it at "99,999,999".If you have more, Than to know for sure which one it is, change them all to different values. {Example: 125, 130, 135}.Then back out to the Character select screen and tap "Character" Than "More" you will now see "Bonus EXP 99,999,999"
  10. Go kill one enemy and you will now be Max Level.

Max HP & MP [Temporary]
Note: Getting a level up during a level will make this hack stop working because it resets your actual HP/MP amount, but it will work again the next level. Use the EXP hack to get to Max Level then this hack will work with no problem.
HP Hack
  1. Got To "Inventory" Look at your HP Amount, "Search it"{i.e. If your HP is 800, search 800}
  2. Change a piece of your armor that will make you HP go up or down, Search new value.
  3. Repeat, until you have your one value. Change and Lock it to "99,999" it will change when you switch screens or touch another item.
MP Hack
  1. Got To "Inventory" Look at your MP Amount, "Search it"{i.e. If your MP is 800, search 800}
  2. Change a piece of your armor that will make you MP go up or down, Search new value.
  3. Repeat, until you have your one value. Change and Lock it to "99,999" it will change when you switch screens or touch another item.
Now you have Max HP & MP and you can finish any level with an "S" ranking by completely destroying that level..MUAHAHA!!!!

Attack Hack [Permanent] [Figured this out by using Ace1234's Defense Hack Below]
This will permanently increase the Attack of the weapon you do this to.
  1. Buy any weapon
  2. Go to Inventory, highlight the Weapon you just bought and click "Forge"
  3. You will now see the weapons current Attack, it will have two number sets {i.e. 125~200 This means Min Atk & Max Atk} We are only gonna hack "Min Atk"
  4. Search the first Number {i.e. "125"}
  5. Hit Forge, if it is successful Search new "Min Atk" number
  6. Repeat until you only have one string.
  7. Change it to any thing you want, I changed mine to 13,976,976 and my attack is the millions
Defense Hack [Permanent] [By Ace124]
This will permanently increase the defense of the armor you do this to.
  1. Buy any piece of armor, Head, Legs, Chest.
  2. Go to Inventory, highlight the piece of armor you just bought and click "Forge"
  3. You will now see the armor's current Defense, 
  4. Search it {i.e. "75"}
  5. Hit Forge, if it is successful Search new value
  6. Repeat until you only have one string.
  7. Change it to any thing you want, I changed mine to 13,976,976 and my Defense is the millions

Some Suggestion:
  1. Download Video first then read instruction. I said like this so that you know how to using DAX attack.
  2. To make you fast when searching value, Always set size value 4Bytes
  3. In video you will see fast searching value but in fact i need waiting for 1 minutes. so be patient.

Tested By ME and Works..!!!!
All Tutorial: Download HERE

Dax Attack: Download HERE

Video: 3GP Video[for Phone] / AVI Video [for PC]

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radiant 12 Jul, 2013

Source: http://pro-apk.blogspot.com/2013/07/tutorial-video-dark-avenger-hack-gold.html
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